Sic Bo Guide: How to Play Sic Bo and Win Big

Are you new to the world of gambling and looking for a new game to try your luck? If yes, then Sic Bo is the game for you. Originated in China, this casino table game has gained immense popularity in the gambling world. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Sic Bo, various betting types, and some strategies that can help you win big. So, let’s get started.


Sic Bo Basic Rules

Sic Bo is played with three dice. The objective of casino online game is to predict the outcome of the roll of the three dice. The dealer shakes the dice in a small chest and then opens it to reveal the combination. The players place their bets on the predicted outcome, and if their prediction comes true, they win.

Sic Bo Bet Types

Sic Bo offers a wide range of betting strategies, and each has its payout rate. Here are the popular Sic Bo bet types:

Big and Small Bets

Big and Small bets are the most popular Sic Bo bets. The Big bet wins if the total of the three dice is between 11 and 17, and the Small bet wins if the total is between 4 and 10. However, if the three dice show the same number, both bets lose.

Specific Triples Bet

A Specific Triple bet wins if all three dice show the same number. This bet has the highest payout rate of 150:1.

Any Triples Bet

An Any Triple bet wins if all three dice show the same number, but it has a lower payout rate of 24:1 than the Specific Triple bet.

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Doubles Bet

A Doubles bet wins if two of the three dice show the same number. The payout rate for this bet is 8:1.

Dice Combination Bet

In the Dice Combination bet, you can choose any two numbers, and the bet wins if those two numbers appear on any of the three dice. This bet has a payout rate of 5:1.

Three Dice Total

In the Three Dice Total bet, you predict the total of the three dice. The payout rate for this bet depends on the predicted total.

Single Dice Bet

In the Single Dice bet, you predict the number that will appear on one of the three dice. The payout rate for this bet is 1:1.

Additional Sic Bo Bets

Apart from the above popular bets, there are some additional Sic Bo bets that you can try:

Odd and Even Bets

In the Odd and Even bets, you predict whether the total of the three dice will be an odd number or an even number. The payout rate for this bet is 1:1.

Four Number Combination

In the Four Number Combination bet, you can choose any four numbers, and the bet wins if those four numbers appear on any of the three dice. This bet has a payout rate of 8:1.

Three Single Number Combination

In the Three Single Number Combination bet, you can choose any three numbers, and the bet wins if those three numbers appear on any of the three dice. This bet has a payout rate of 30:1.

Specific Double and Single Number

In the Specific Double and Single Number bet, you can choose any two numbers, and the bet wins if one of the dice shows one of the chosen numbers, and the other two dice show the same number. This bet has a payout rate of 50:1.

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Sic Bo Strategy

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules and various betting types, it’s time to discuss some strategies that can help you win big in Sic Bo.

Firstly, it’s important to know the odds of each bet type before placing your bet. The bets with the highest payout rate, such as Specific Triple and Specific Double and Single Number, have the lowest probability of winning, while the bets with lower payout rates, such as Big and Small bets, have a higher probability of winning. Therefore, it’s important to choose your bets wisely, depending on your risk appetite and gaming style. Additional sic bo strategy can be leverage by following our casino and sport news section, and might increase your payouts significantly.

Another strategy to consider is the use of combination bets. By placing multiple bets on different combinations, you increase your chances of winning. However, it’s important to balance your bets and not place all your money on a single bet.

It’s also important to manage your bankroll wisely. Set a budget for your gaming session and stick to it. Don’t chase your losses, and don’t get too carried away with your wins. Remember, gambling is a game of chance, and there’s no guarantee of winning. Also check the our promotion offers and bonuses and increase your chances to win big.

Lastly, practice makes perfect. Before playing with real money, try playing Sic Bo in demo mode to understand the game mechanics and test different strategies. This will help you gain confidence and increase your chances of winning when you play with real money.

In conclusion, Sic Bo is an exciting and fun-filled game that offers a wide range of betting options. By understanding the basic rules, different betting types, and implementing the right strategies, you can increase your chances of winning big. Remember to always gamble responsibly and within your budget. Happy gaming!